Whilst we will always respond to emerging scenarios and needs we will always aim to position ourselves to look ahead. We will therefore not only plan but also think strategically to help us all understand where the organisation should be going in the next three or five years.
Long Term Goals
Our longer term vision is to acquire a commercial unit, building or plot of land within a x-mile radius of Navan City Centre where we can promote social activity and bring communities together. A place that not only provides prayer facilities and teaching, but one that offers youth services for our young people to access and get involved in. Another aspiration is to have a women’s health and coffee area. Designed to provide an informal setting where our sisters, daughters and mothers can talk about their issues. I’m sure YOU, as members of our community have ideas of your own and we will be looking forward to your contributions. “Alone we can do little; together we can do so much.” In Sha Allah!
Whilst we wait for our longer term plans to materialise we look to short term solutions and these are set out below.
Short Term Plan
We are engaged with the owner of our property at the possibility of moving location within the current building. The move could offer a bigger area; one that will enable us to accommodate rising numbers whilst raising funds to purchase our own. We will report as soon as we have something concrete.
As we look to provide more services, our Team is in the process of rolling out a plan to offer Islamic education. This will be in the form of; Quranic classes, Tajhweed, Prophetic Seera and Hadith. For adults, we are scheduling weekly Islamic knowledge sessions, led by external scholars and academia personalities. Efforts are also ongoing to establish a funeral fund allowing our brothers and sisters to pay upfront bringing some peace of mind. The impact of the unfolding cost of living crisis is real but that impact will not be evenly felt. Some will no doubt feel it more than others. If you know of anyone in such a situation, please share their details and we will look into how we can help.
We hope this information assures you of our commitment and unrelenting drive to serve you better.
O Allah; Help us in our pursuit to serve your creation. You indeed hear the cries of your servants